Morton’s Neuroma

Morton’s Neuroma, frequently referred to as Morton’s Metatarsalgia, represents a challenging and often painful condition affecting the delicate nerves in the foot. It specifically targets the nerves running between the metatarsal bones, which are the long bones in the forefoot. This condition arises when these nerves are compressed or irritated, leading to a range of symptoms that can significantly impact daily activities and overall foot health.

Characterised by its unique symptomatology and complex underlying causes, Morton’s Neuroma requires a nuanced approach to management and treatment. The condition not only affects the physical structure and functionality of the foot but can also have a broader impact on mobility and quality of life. Given its potential to progress and cause increasing discomfort, understanding and addressing Morton’s Neuroma promptly and effectively is crucial for those affected.

Detailed Symptoms and Progression

  • Early Stage Symptoms: Initial signs include pain, burning sensations, numbness, and tingling between toes, often mistaken for other foot ailments.
  • Advanced Stage Symptoms: Progression can lead to intensified toe cramps and acute pain in the ball of the foot, resembling the sensation of stepping on a sharp object.
  • Worsening Factors: Tight footwear, especially high heels or shoes with narrow toe boxes, can significantly exacerbate these symptoms.

Understanding the Causes

  • Nerve Compression: The condition arises from the thickening of tissue around the plantar digital nerves, leading to their compression.
  • Risk Factors: Contributing factors include wearing high heels or tight shoes, engaging in high-impact sports, and existing foot deformities like bunions and hammertoes.
A tickbox asking if you are at risk of getting Morton's Neuroma.

Comprehensive Management and Treatment

Seeking Expert Advice

  • Consulting Specialists: Persistent or severe symptoms warrant a consultation with a podiatrist or chiropodist. These professionals can offer targeted treatments like orthotics, physical therapy, or in some cases, surgical options.
  • Further Information: For additional details on foot health services, visit the NHS website.

These Profoot products are ideal for Morton’s Neuroma: